did father anthony mary leave ewtn

Dear Father Antony Mary, I dearly missed you and your homilies attending the masses at EWTN and now I am so sorry that you are ill. Amen. MFVA Friars. We miss you FR. I know we should not have favorites, but he is my favorite. Im a Eucharistic Minister for the home bound , there are two very sweet ladies that miss you greatly. Anthony, today, on the observance of the 5th apparition of OL of Fatima, I beg Our Heavenly Mother to intercede for you. May Almighty God grant him HIS healing mercies in Jesus name. It sure has been a blessing through what I consider a spiritual battle. Bless you Fr. Save souls!! As you know we are being tested. I just found out about you and your illness, thank God we will hopefully see you soon again at mass, praying daily for you. God Bless you.. How is it possible to miss someone so long after they have disappeared? I pray that he gets well to join us very soon. Briefly, he discussed Pope Francis's airplane call for schism, put that into a . Then, disappointment sets in when I realize you are still struggling with your health. Please know we listen to your sermon even till today and hope you feel better are able to preach, teach and guide Christ flock. Anthony Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. I watch the Mass every day. With the Grace of Our Lord, you will be back to normal health and back on the TV. 17K views, 335 likes, 102 loves, 142 comments, 96 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: In anticipation of the Holy Triduum, Fr. Get well soon Father so that we will see you again on EWTN. Our Lord has a funny way of showing us that, but we know that He is good and loving always. We miss his personality, wit and goodness. That being so, how could she not love you all the more. I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. God Bless you, am sure you are still serving the Lord in your situation.Dont mind my email address being given to you. We miss you. Dear Fr. I miss Father Anthony and am relieved to hear that he will be returning. St. Anthony of the Child JESUS and of Padua, once again restore to me a precious lost joy, (good news) that is. Thank you for posting about his health, so we can be praying for his continued healing, and hopefully, full recovery. May God bless you with good health soon. Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, Ive missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. We miss you dearly. Gods Blessings to you all .. Father Anthony has been on my mind for quite a while now because he has not been saying the daily mass on EWTN. Please give your inspiring thoughts and teaching and try to put into a book, so we could read that. EWTN should speak of Father Anthony, let us know how he is doing, no word at all isnt caring. I hope and pray that someday very soon we will be able to share/watch the Mass being celebrated by our dear Fr. Anthony and was wondering what has happened to him, so I decided to search for him today. We miss him dearly. I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. We hope to see him soon on the air. Anthony, you are most cherished here in Mexico. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. He sends his love to all of you and hopes to be back on the air in the near future. A prayer goes out to Father Anthony . Anthony and hoping for a quick recovery. I look forward to seeing and hearing your talks once again. Anthony Mary is one of them. Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. We also miss his homiliesno one can weave a personal family story around scripture like him. We can offer that up to the greater glory of God. Hope you are back soon! Father Anthony, We watch EWTN daily and miss seeing you. We, the people can give this situation to Jesus. ROSEMAARY. God Bess you always. Holy Mary, please pray for us sinners and especially Mother Mary, please pray for Father Anthony Mary and for the increase of priestly vocations and all other religious orders/vocations. Thanks for sharing the news about Fr. Thanks to you and all the Friars for your dedication and sacrifice especially for all of us who are home bound with illnesses. He was canonized in 1950 and listed in the Roman Calendar in 1960. Thank you in advance. Please know you are much loved. But I know the good Lord has much more work for you to do, but will watch over you with your health as you perform his work. During this pandemic, I have spent a lot of time watching EWTN. . FR. Hope you will be better soon.Pray for my husband who has cancer. Love, Peace, and Prayer from Theresa Baker & Family, Long Beach, CA, Father Anthony I miss your masses hope to see you soon God bless you and the rest of the guys love you all, I finally was able to find this page to have at least a word about Fr. Anthony, May Our Lord Bless and Heal YouWe love you. Sending prayers for your health and recovery. I will do more penance so God will heal you. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. May Jesus Divine Mercy embrace him in His loving arms and heal him completely. We are keeping you in our prayers. Anthony. Thinking of you and miss you saying Masslistening to your homilys and your sense of humorPraying you are feeling betterwe miss you very much. I too miss Fr. Anthony, we truly miss him!! Have been very worried as to why you werent there. Anthony. So glad I got the answer but not the one I had hoped for but glad to hear you are getting strength back so you may soon return. Hope we see you again soon!!!! Be well. or a little snippet of a program with a thought for the day? He is full of life and with sense of humorhe is never boring! YOURE SADLY MISSED AND YOU CONTINUE TO BE IN OUR PRAYERS He can be assured he will be in my prayers. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. I enjoyed your homilies. May God bless him. All4JMJ, Sarah Miller. Just know that I miss your presence as I was the mass. I truly miss Fr. I have been listening to one of Fr.Anthony Marys homilies. Were praying for Fr. I, too, live and serve our Lord through chronic pain, fatigue, and suffering. Anthony. I miss you so much Father Anthony my whole family love you. May Our Lord bless and heal you. Dear Lord, Will look forward to his smilies and bright homilies! Soon, Lord Willing, you will resume your Ministry (tho I know you are continuing your Ministry in Loving & Serving in whatever circumstance God has placed you). God be with you !!! Anthony. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. Its been 3 years since you posted this msg, Mary. I just viewed the lovely interview with you, Fr. Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya. Is he coming back or not? And that you have a speedy recovery . I miss him very much. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. I dont have television service at home so its was always a special time sharing the Mass with Irene. Johanna. HI FR. Fr. So good to hear the voice of Fr Anthony in his series of Lenten retreats on your web site. Well be praying for a him and look forward to his return. Anthony! I just saw the reason why I havent seen you saying Mass on EWTN. I wondered what was wrong and thought that maybe youd been transferred to a different parish. +JMJ+ The Helmuellers. God bless. I miss his inspiring homilies. I cant wait to see Fr. I especially relate to Father Anthony and Father Joseph as my Wisconsin-Iowa roots are so similar to their Minnesota-Iowa roots. It would be great to hear something. Please Sweet Jesus, help him, heal him and bring him back soon! Often wondered what happened and how you were doing . I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. God bless you Fr. God be with you. We pray for you father and hope to see you on Ewtn Soon. Your friendly personality shines through in your homilies & reaches out to us who participate in the EWTN daily masses all over the world I imagine I am in Kingston, Jamaica in the West Indies. I will keep him in my prayers! Your Homilies are so full of love for Our Lord and humanity it feels like you are speaking directly to each of us. May the Lord Jesus, the Great Physician, touch your heart and restore you to full health. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. I so appreciate your contribution in this regard Fr Anthony. Just discovered you are not well we wondered where you were. It would be wonderful to see and hear him again. I think all of you are great. My husband (a convert) a recently retired physician has taken a professional interest. We miss you .. I pray for the day that you are able to return. FATHER, I JUST WANTED TI THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE YOU HAD ABOUT THOSE CATHOLICS WHO WERE DIVORCED. sending love and prayers to Fr. We pray for miraculous healing for Father Anthony and a quick return to EWTN. I miss you it looks like we all miss you for everyone of these comments you can believe there are thousands of people missing you they just havent found this thread you inspire all of us with your homilies by bringing the gospel to life in which we can relate with added humor and your smile well we all love it I have thanked God for you everytime you say mass you have been part of my daily prayers forever please get better and come back to us we do need you. Your so full of life this must be difficult for you. I pray for your improved health. You are missed, Father! God bless you Fr. I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . I finally found out about Father Anthony I was so worried. God is the author of all and His plans for you as you deal with this ailment is maybe to have quiet time with Him. Gods love radiates from you. Father Anthony, We wish you a speedy recovery and will be very happy to see you back on the air. We love you. Fr Anthony , I miss you very much, but you need to rest. Father Anthony I wish you well I wish you peace I wish you comfort I miss your homilies I was really trying to reach out to you Im going through a very difficult time mourning the loss of my husband my mother my mother-in-law my son my sister my sister my brother all over a number of years I always felt like I could probably relate very well with you if you read this My name Elizabeth. Anthony and may our blessed Lord heal and strengthen you. We miss you, A LOT and we love you! Im glad to hear I can look forward to your return. I share your sense of humor, so that statement was made in jest. I hope to see you again. We miss Father Anthonys great homilies. We are all praying and rooting for your healing. Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALWAYS AND TAKE CARE, THERE MIGHT COME A TIME WHEN I WILL GO TO SEE YOU! I am praying for his return also, Have you heard on any new updates of Father Anthony? We have missed you a lot. God Bless you and Gods PEACE and LOVE. IRONDALE, Ala. ( ChurchMilitant.com) - In a surprise move, the head of EWTN News is resigning his post. Father Anthony I pray you find yourself feeling better. Anthony. Please send us word of your joys. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, Model of all Catholic/Christian Family Life, please bless all our good and sincere efforts in an effort so that we make the very best of what we have accordingly to the role model of your Holy Family. I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon. I miss seeing you at the daily Mass. father anthony, God Bless You !!! Let him gain strength and be able to carry on doing Your good works. After a year and some, we pray you are closer to being back on EWTN to say the Mass. Prayers being said that you will be well and return to EWTN. Am upset that no updates are given about Fr Anthony Mary. I enjoy his humorous inflections and facial expressions. You are the best homilist and our favorite. I live in the U.K. Our Lady Mother Mary cover you with Her mantle and protect you. I hope and pray he gets better and regain his health. Prayers and wishes for improved health sent to you, specially to St. Anthony of Padua, who intercedes for those who have lost their health and strength. His loving and kind delivery is outstanding. He has the most natural way of helping understand things through his humor and serious messages through the homilies. My husband and I will be praying for you, Fr. Dear Father Anthony, Ordained to the priesthood in 1835, he was assigned as . We look forward to seeing you on EWTN soon. A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN. Dearest Fr. God bless, I do truly miss your presence at Mass and you sermons. You have touched so many people in the world. Dear Fr. I am at mass on EWTN via my TV almost daily, I appreciate all of the friars homilies as an opportunity to learn something new I didnt know, or something I had not considered before ; but I consider you, Father Anthony Mary , to be my Pastor and I miss you when you are not around. Your in my thoughts and prayers alwaysGod Bless you. Fr Anthony, you are our St Anthony of Padua from EWTN! I am a regular viewer of the EWTN daily Mass as here in our Cornwall Parish because of lack of priests we are lucky if we have a Mass on week days. God Blesssee you soon ! Let him feel Your loving arms around him. hello father anthony i am still waiting for you to come back on ewtn tv let jesus and mary take over . I am an avid viewer I and did not realize Father Anthony Marys absence was due an illness. It is very debilitating and difficult to talk about. That will be sufficient for all of us who miss you very much. HI FATHER ANTHONY HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS HOPE YOU RETURN TO EWTN SOMETIME, Sorry to hear that you are illpraying that God will heal you soon. I too wish the priests at EWTN would at least give an update on how you are doing. No one out here needs to know every personal medical detail but maybe it would be okay to tell us how hes doing in general, if its known if hell be returning, and whether he is getting everyones messages. Anthony Mary and pray that God will provide you with wondrous graces and healing. I truly miss hearing your homilies. I smile just thinking of them and hope he is smiling thinking of the love we have for him. I love you like a son,! Miss seeing you and listening to your homilies. I looked for him regularly even though each Franciscan priest has his own style & wisdom as well. Anthony Mary. I think they have just told you about Fr. I love EWTN and I cant help to see that its been well over a year that Fr Anthony Mary has not been at mass. You have touched & Blessed our lives! Dear Father Anthony Mary, Hope EWTN will give us an update on Fr. For quite some time we have not seen Fr. Anthony and praying he will return to Daily Mass on EWTN. We miss you at my homebeen looking out for you. We all enjoy your jolly homilies, teaching us about the importance of a loving heart in the Glory of Our Lord. I am not a a catholic, but I really enjoyed Father Anthonys homilies and I do miss his kind delivery. I too am praying daily for Fr. And we missed your presence at the beautiful Mass today. The viewers of EWTN miss you very much; but we know that it takes time to gain your strength back when you a health issue. Dear Fr Anthony, Please take care of yourself, as you can see you are loved and missed but, only you can tell when you will be ready to come back, so be well, be safe and know you covered in the prayers department. Whenever I saw you enter at the beginning of the Mass, my soul was filled with joy! Your homilies are the best!! Fr. God Bless our Fr Anthony Mary. 2. I thank God for sharing the best there is that He created. Hope to hear an update soon and that he is well. GOD IS GOOD. I will pray for him that he finds healing. LOL God Bless you always! A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. My 91 year old mother, a faithful EWTN Mass viewer, has been wondering where Fr. God Bless you. We miss you ! Dear Father Anthony, I was so happy to see your big smile this morning, I am sorry to hear you are not doing well, but glad to hear it is not cancer. For weeks she has been missing your masses, Father Anthony. Please, be assured of my prayers Fr Anthony Mary and those of Our Lady of Walsingham for healing and strength. We miss Father Anthony and his inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are for his recovery. Thanks for all you do.it does make a difference. Not many priests have the gift of being such a talented homilist. Seeing and hearing your talks once again more penance so God will provide you with mantle! Spirit to enlighten you with wondrous graces and healing, you are doing year!, there MIGHT COME a time when i realize you are still serving Lord... # x27 ; s airplane call for schism, put that into a book, we. I know we should not have favorites, but you need to rest this situation Jesus! In Jesus name share your sense of humorPraying you are speaking directly to each of us miss. How could she not love you all the Friars for your dedication and sacrifice especially for all do.it. 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did father anthony mary leave ewtn

did father anthony mary leave ewtn